Cristina Melchor
Ref# 44

About Me
My name is Cristina Melchor. I'm a 15-year-old girl.

My birthday is
July 24, 2009.


My Story

Cristina is the oldest girl of her three siblings, Damasio, Fernando and Xitlali, who are also in our care. She is so sweet and is a natural caregiver. Cristina’s mom leaves early every morning and works all day in the fields. Before coming to OA they didn't attend school because they didn't have birth certificates. Instead Cristina and her older brothers would work at the local flea markets to help their mom with expenses. They were always vulnerable and at risk of being picked up and taken to an orphanage. After coming to OA, we were able to help this family get their birth certificates and start school. Although very behind in school, Cristina is doing well and adjusting to not having to care for her little sister. Now, Cristina can be a kid, go to school and have a chance to have a great life. Please pray this family will find Jesus and receive all the goodness that comes with living a faith filled life!