Dylan Cardenas
Ref# 56

About Me
My name is Dylan Cardenas. I'm a 12-year-old boy.

My birthday is
May 28, 2012.


My Story

He has two younger siblings (Hanya and Iker) who also attend the daycare. Dylan is such a sweet little boy who loves to be at Open Arms. He is a very responsible big brother to Hannia, his sister and Iker, his younger brother. Dylan's big smile and sweet laugh have captured our hearts. He can put a smile on anyone's face! Dylan's dad left when his mom was two months pregnant with his younger brother. Before coming to OA, Dylan's mom worked as a waitress and earned 900 pesos a week, about $45 American dollars. But with the help of OA she has now graduated high school and has a better paying job! OA helped keep this family together, and helped care for the kids while his mom worked and finished school to give them a better life. Now Dylan and his siblings are safe, and their mom has had a weight taken off of her. They have come to church several times, but his mom has not made a commitment to follow Christ. Please Pray that she will give her life to Christ and raise her children to love God.