Fernanda Meza Tello
Ref# 70

About Me
My name is Fernanda Meza Tello. I'm a 5-year-old girl.

My birthday is
September 6, 2018.


My Story

Fernanda is the miracle baby of OA. She had serious complications at birth. She and her mom almost died during childbirth as the placenta was attached to the uterus. The hospital where She was born had no qualified doctors to perform the delicate C-section. The hospital had to call a retired surgeon to come out of retirement specifically to perform the surgery. During the surgery her mom had to be opened completely up with her insides out of her body and on the operating table. Her mom‘s uterus had to be removed as well. After days in the ICU, both Fernanda and her mom recovered, praise God! The doctors admitted to the miraculous recovery, and literally said to her you must have had a guardian angel. Now Fernanda is a healthy, happy baby. She was dedicated to the Lord at the open arms church and is now in our care with her two brothers Diego and Samuel. Please pray for this family, that they would continue to follow Jesus and put him first in their lives!