Frano Andre Gonzalez Aguilar
Ref# 72

About Me
My name is Frano Andre Gonzalez Aguilar. I'm a 8-year-old boy.

My birthday is
January 8, 2017.


My Story

Frano is a little boy who fits right into the open arms family. His mom was in high school when she got pregnant with Frano. Her boyfriend left her after finding out she was having a baby and she dropped out of school because she was so ashamed and embarrassed to be young, single and pregnant. In addition to public shame, her parents were very disappointed over her pregnancy but decided to help support her and the baby. Although Frano was not planned by his parents, he was planned by God! His life is full of purpose and a bright future. After he was born his mom went back to school but her parents couldn’t care for him anymore. She applied to the daycare and one of her teachers came to the office to advocate for her need for childcare. She is a dedicated, smart young lady and we are grateful to be able to take Frano into our care so his mom can finish high school and be able to give him a better life! Please pray that Frano’s mom continues her education and give her life to Jesus!