Angel Josiah Briones
Ref# 102

About Me
My name is Angel Josiah Briones. I'm a 12-year-old boy.

My birthday is
December 13, 2012.

La Mision

My Story

Josiah is all boy. He loves to wrestle, play soccer and pretend to be a superhero. Josiah has been in our care since he was three months old. His mom started working at Open Arms shortly after and has been a great asset. She now tutors the elementary school kids and helps them complete their homework daily. Josiah now has a younger brother, Thiago, who is also in our care. Sadly, Thiago’s dad left his mom shortly after finding out they were to have him and Josiah lost the only father figure he had even known. Josiah’s mom is in the middle of a divorce and raising both boys alone. Even though she is a single mom, she has gone back to school to become a cosmetologist. We are so proud of her and the work ethic she is modeling for her boys. Please pray that Josiah’s mom will reconnect with God and seek His will for her life!