Maybeth Galvez Valdez
Ref# 120

About Me
My name is Maybeth Galvez Valdez. I'm a 6-year-old girl.

My birthday is
February 28, 2018.


My Story

Maybeth is a sweet little girl. She loves to cuddle and giggle! Her mom has two other children in our care, Edgar and Alexander. Maybeth and her brothers have not had an ideal childhood. Their mother left her husband. Edgar and Alexander‘s father, who is a drug addict and very violent. He tried to kill her and she fled from southern Mexico to Camalu to make a new life for her kids. After two years as a single mom, Maybeth’s mom met her dad and they were soon pregnant with Maybeth. Maybeth’s dad went to work in the United States and only checks in on her every once in a while. Sadly the her parents have no plans to make a life together and now all three of the children will grow up without their dad. Now, her mom works long hours cleaning and caring for houses to make ends meet for her children. Please pray for this family, that their mom would start to seek the love of the Father and not men and that God would be a firm foundation for all of them!