Xitlali Melchor Reyes
Ref# 152

About Me
My name is Xitlali Melchor Reyes. I'm a 10-year-old girl.

My birthday is
September 12, 2013.


My Story

Xitali is a sweetheart. Before attending OA her older siblings were forced to take care of her, so her mom could go work in the fields. Her mom works from 6 AM until 4 PM six days a week. She is a single mom working hard to provide for her children. The children’s father left with another woman and they never heard from him again. In the mornings, Xitali’s older siblings would wake up early to make her and her other siblings breakfast, bathe her and prepare her for school. They would all eat together then take her to school. Then the older three would walk themselves to school. Many times they switched off taking turns to caring for Xitali when she was sick and would miss school. Her siblings have had to grow up very fast. Please pray for Xitali and her family, that they would learn about how much Jesus loves them and the bright future that’s ahead of them!