Yana Sofia Benitez Cuevas
Ref# 154

About Me
My name is Yana Sofia Benitez Cuevas. I'm a 8-year-old girl.

My birthday is
July 7, 2015.


My Story

Yana is a shy and quiet little girl who rarely smiles, but she is so cute. Jana has two siblings who also attend a daycare, Axel and Naomi. Naomi and Axel's dad is in jail for robbery and Yana‘s dad is not a part of her life. Their mom is a single mother who lives with her father, Yana‘s grandfather. He supports her in many ways but he is an alcoholic and very violent. He abuses her psychologically and verbally. The situation is very sad. Before the children came to the daycare they had inconsistent care. They were always looked after by a different person every day or moment to work. Yana’s mom works at a paper recycling plant and works very hard to keep her family together. Please pray for Yana and her family so that our Lord Jesus Christ will restore this mother and that in Him they can have a beautiful future.