Hannay Mendoza
Ref# 177

About Me
My name is Hannay Mendoza. I'm a 5-year-old girl.

My birthday is
January 14, 2019.

La Mision

My Story

Hannay is a girl that is always smiling. She is Alexander's sister, who has been in a child care center since he was a little boy and now he is part of the teen program. Her mom is one of the mothers we have seen produce a tremendous amount of fruit in her life. She is a woman who, after losing everything, started to walk with Jesus ​​and fought for her relationship with her husband and family. Her pregnancy with Hannay was scary, and she almost lost her. Despite all this, God took care of this little one and now she is a loved girl, and we believe that god has great plans for her life. 
Hannay’s mother wasn’t expecting to have another baby at 40 years old, or go through a traumatic pregnancy, but is extremely grateful for the abundance of joy and smiles that Hannay adds to their family. 
Please keep this family in your prayers as they continue to seek God and serve him.