Ian Yael Vazquez Guzman
Ref# 185

About Me
My name is Ian Yael Vazquez Guzman. I'm a 7-year-old boy.

My birthday is
March 29, 2017.


My Story

Ian Yael is the most happy and caring little boy you can meet, he will steal your heart immediately. He has a lot of love to give and he is always smiling. His joy is contagious and he is super, smart, he loves to learn new things and he learns very quickly.

Ian Yael is Cristian's younger brother, who also attends our daycare. Ian was born with a disability, he cannot feel and he doesn’t have mobility in the middle of his body, from his waist to the soles of his feet, but God is working a miracle in his life. Ian's mother is a single mother and she works in the fields every day to provide for her family. When Ian was born, the doctors said that he would never be able to move or have a "normal" life, that he would always depend on someone else, his mother was devastated with the news and seeing herself in this situation and believing that she could not give her son the treatments and provide for him, she wanted to abandon him. In Mexico, people with disabilities don’t have many opportunities to receive treatment or don’t have access to medical specialists but with the help of God, they were able to find a place where Ian would receive the correct treatment and the necessary therapies so that he could develop. Today, Ian can move on his own and fend for himself, he moves by himself with his wheelchair, eats, dresses and moves on the floor without any problem. He loves to dance for God during our devotionals. The most wonderful thing is that Ian can do all this when the doctors said that he could never do it.

Please help us pray for this family, that it stays together, that God will continue to do the work in Ian's life so that he will be a witness to the great power of God.