Jose Abraham Castillo
Ref# 196

About Me
My name is Jose Abraham Castillo. I'm a 7-year-old boy.

My birthday is
September 15, 2016.


My Story

Jose Abraham is a very shy boy, sometimes it is very hard for him to be without his brothers. He is Alexander's and Liam
Dominic's brother. Jose is always looking for his older brother and wants to be close to him. Jose Abraham and his brothers
are under the care of his grandparents, their mother's parents, who work hard every day in the fields to provide for them,
because his mother is working in the fields, in the United States. Their father is not part of their life. When Jose Abraham's
youngest brother was born, their father abandoned them and they never heard from him again. Please keep this family in
your prayers so that through our ministry they may know God and that their family has an important purpose.