Armando Becerra
Ref# 26

About Me
My name is Armando Becerra. I'm a 11-year-old boy.

My birthday is
August 14, 2013.

La Mision

My Story

Armando is all boy! He loves to wrestle, run and play outside. His energy is contagious and he is a joy to have. His father completed a drug rehabilitation program here in La Mision and has been sober since Armando was born. Armando’s dad gave his life to the Lord in rehab and hasn’t looked back! He works in construction all day and has nowhere to take Armando to be cared for. We accepted him on an emergency basis as there was no one to care for him and his dad was at risk of losing his job. Armando’s dad gave his life to Jesus and faithfully volunteers and attends a local church. He has had ups and downs but has never gone back to drugs or given up his faith. He is raising Armando to love Jesus. Please pray for Armando’s dad that he will remain firm in his faith and in his sobriety!