Diana Maglin Roblero
Ref# 53

About Me
My name is Diana Maglin Roblero. I'm a 9-year-old girl.

My birthday is
August 16, 2014.


My Story

Diana is a very sweet girl that loves to be at the daycare, her smile and eyes will melt your heart. Her dad passed away a year ago, and it has been a struggle for everyone to overcome this tragedy. Diana‘s mom, now I have to work extra hours to make enough money to provide for her family, so most of the time she was out of the home. Her older son got married, her second son is into drugs and her third daughter is in high school but she doesn’t like to speak with anyone because of the pain from losing her dad. Diana was being taken care of by neighbors, family, friends and whoever her mother could find so she could go to work. There was no stability in her life until she arrived at Open Arms. Please pray for this family, but they will come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. He’s the only one that can give them hope and a future.